Getting Started¶
COPSS is based on the LIBMESH framework. It also requires PETSc for parallel linear equation solvers and SLEPc for scalable Eigenvalue computations. In order to achieve the best parallel performance of COPSS, we strongly suggest you to install the dependent libraries on a Linux cluster environment. Below are the instructions to install COPSS.
System environment preparation
Installing PETSc
Download PETSC’s latest release ( version 3.7.4 or later ) from PETSc download page, or git clone PETSc repository and follow these steps:
mkdir $HOME/projects/
cd $HOME/projects/
git clone -b maint petsc
Configure PETSc:
cd $HOME/projects/petsc
./configure --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-mpiexec=mpiexec
--with-fc=mpif90 --download-fblaslapack --download-scalapack --download-mumps
--download-superlu_dist --download-hypre --download-ml --download-parmetis
--download-metis --download-triangle --download-chaco --with-debugging=0
And then follow the instructions on screen to install and test the package.
Export environment variables: add the following lines to
and executesource ~/.bashrc
before next step. (/path/to/PETSC
can be found on the screen after the installation.)
export PETSC_DIR=/path/to/PETSC
In case of any trouble, please refer to PETSC installation.
Installing SLEPc
Download SLEPC’s latest release (version 3.7.3 or later) from SLEPc download, or git clone PETSc repository:
cd $HOME/projects/
git clone -b maint slepc
Configure PETSc:
cd $HOME/projects/slepc
And then follow the instructions on screen to install the package
Exporting environment variables: add the following codes to
andsource ~/.bashrc
before next step. (/path/to/SLEPC
can be found on the screen post installation.)
export SLEPC_DIR=/path/to/SLEPC
Test the package (highly recommended bu not necessary)
make test
In case of any trouble, please refer to SLEPC installation.
Installing LIBMESH
Download LIBMESH’s latest release ( version 1.1.0 or later ) from LIBMESH download, or git clone PETSc repository:
cd $HOME/projects/
git clone git://
cd $HOME/projects/libmesh
./configure -prefix=$HOME/projects/libmesh/libmesh-opt --enable-optional
--enable-vtk --enable-gzstream --enable-trilinos --disable-strict-lgpl
--enable-laspack --enable-capnproto --enable-trilinos --enable-nodeconstraint
--enable-perflog --enable-ifem --enable-petsc --enable-blocked-storage
--enable-slepc --enable-unique-id --enable-unique-ptr --enable-parmesh 2>&1
| tee my_config_output_opt.txt
(Read the configuration output, make sure PETSC and SLEPC are enabled).And then follow the instructions on screen to install and test the package.
Export environment variables: add the following codes to
andsource ~/.bashrc
before next step. (/path/to/PETSC
can be found on the screen after installation.)
export LIBMESH_DIR=/path/to/LIBMESH
If you meet any trouble, please refer to LIBMESH installation, or reach out to LIBMESH community for help.
Install COPSS-hydrodynamics
Download the latest COPSS codes
git clone
Add the path to COPSS to system environment: add the following code block to
and source it prior to the next steps.
export COPSS_DIR="/path/to/copss"
(notice: be careful not to include ‘/’ at the end)For example, in my system:
export COPSS_DIR="/scratch/midway2/jyli/bitbucket/MICCOM/copss/copss-hydrodynamics-private"
Compiling the codes
Manually compile the code by following steps
cd $COPSS_DIR/src/
make package=POINTPARICLE
(for point particle systems)
make package=RIGIDPARTICLE
(for rigid particle systems)Use auto compilation tool: the compilation tool is located at
. To use it, depending on your purpose, execute one of the following commands:
cd $COPSS_DIR/tools/
bash -h
(For help)
(Compile PointParticle package)
bash -a clean_first -p POINTPARTICLE
(Compile POINTPARTICLE package after cleaning)To run a sedimentation example for rigid particles
cd $COPSS_DIR/examples/general_rigid_particle/sedimentation_benchmark/
Build documentation¶
After building COPSS-Hydrodynamics successfully, you can further build the documentation
in docs/
- Doxygen
The documentation built using Doxygen gives the code-level details, including the code structures, class inheritance, details of functions, etc. To compile the documentation, make sure [Doxygen]( is ready to be used in the system, then:
cd $COPSS_DIR/docs/doxygen/
doxygen Doxyfile.bak
then you can view the documentation in an IE browser:
google-chrome [path-to-copss]/docs/doxygen/html/index.html
Sphinx The documentation built using Sphinx gives the tutorial-level details, including features of the package, how to run a simulation, how to use a tool, etc. To compile Sphinx, make sure you have Sphinx ready, then:
cd $COPSS_DIR/docs/sphinx
make html
then you can view the documentation in an IE browser:
google-chrome [path-to-copss]/docs/sphinx/build/html/index.html
To modify Sphinx documentation, you need to write the documentation in one of the rst files, for example, if the documentation is about how to run a simulation, it should be written into: